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Doobie1775 t1_j15n7wr wrote

I second this, AA was an eye opener. It was the first time I was able to be honest with myself. After a few meetings I decided AA was not for me, I ended up going to a place in Stratford and have been sober since. That was 4.6 years ago (I still keep track) it was a group therapy session 3 times a week, I wanted it to so I really dove into it head first. I was tired. I wasn't a good father. Fiance or anything else for that matter. I lost who I was.

Get into therapy regardless, have a heart to heart with yourself while laying everything on the table. Absolute honesty with Yourself is key. Embrace the suck, learn to be ok with it. Work on yourself every minute of the day. Forgive yourself and try to make up for the wrongs you've done and try better tomorrow.

This is my story and not everyone is the same, but it was the best gift I've ever given to myself. The first time I loved myself but it didn't come easy, three years it took me to feel somewhat normal again but a hobby helps tremendously !!! I could go on for days rambling but I wish you the best of luck. You got this and if you do fall off the wagon jump back on. The more times you try the success rate increases. Much love and best of luck