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MJ_2K20 OP t1_j60n9r4 wrote

Reply to comment by NLCmanure in Water in Basement? by MJ_2K20

It's happened twice (now three times) in the seven years I've owned the house. There's no drain or sump pump which is part of the problem.


Justagreewithme t1_j62pla3 wrote

Always start outside, the work your way inside. First, gutter drainage-make sure it’s taking the water as far away from the house you can get it, in a direction the gravity doesn’t bring the water back towards the house. Which leads to your second point of action, grading. The dirt should always slope away from your house. Pretend the ground doesn’t absorb water-if you were to pour out a pitcher of water, which way would the water flow? You always want the ground graded, or slanted, down from the house. Next, it’s start getting expensive-digging the dirt out from against your foundation, installing my waterprooofing, backfilling with drainage stone. If you’re still getting water, it’s likely a water table issue, which means interior curtain drain and sump pumps.