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mkt853 t1_j4n60s0 wrote

I don't understand the problem. I can see if someone comes in and creates a disturbance, but most of the time these people come in where the public is allowed to go and just record to see if someone tries to stop them. There is no disturbance until our public servants freak out over it which is ironic because almost all public buildings have cameras rolling 24/7.


[deleted] t1_j4o4q0v wrote



mkt853 t1_j4o7mmj wrote

Do you freak out when you see cameras in a bank? Or in the post office? Or the town hall? Or in nearly every single business you go into? Maybe I would find them annoying, but who says I get to be the arbiter of what's reasonable behavior especially when what they are doing is neither harmful nor illegal? I've seen some of the videos on youtube and as far as I can tell for the most part they just want to be left alone to record in spaces they are allowed to be in, and if they don't get the reaction they will just get bored and go away. Maybe we hire some adults to work in important positions that can handle the stress and rigors of having someone record their public workplace for a few minutes? If you choose to be a public servant, being watched is to be expected I think.
