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OpelSmith t1_j5r2d79 wrote

Two Republican senators, Ryan Fazio of Greenwich and Heather Somers, already have filed a bill similar to what Lamont outlined Monday.

Separately, lawmakers from both parties also have proposed at least two bills in Connecticut legalizing the sale in vending machines of the emergency contraceptive known as Plan B and the morning-after pill.


okay so this is happening. Ds have a 2/3 majority in the assembly anyways, but there are even a couple of R supporters



Those Republicans represent seats that Biden won quite heavily. 61% of Fazio’s district voted for Biden, and 53% of Somer’s district. So in order to win they both need to win over a substantial number of Biden voters, and they do that by taking these kinds of positions.


AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_j5rn6mx wrote

Got links to that Republican bill?

Smells like bullshit.

E: Yeah it's bullshit. Not even a real bill. Just one sentence, practically written in crayon. Zero shot it's going to pass.

Most of this dude's bills are identical. Pie in the sky headlines, zero chance of passing into law without being completely rewritten by someone competent, or, I should say, even written in the first place. Full of tax cuts for the super rich and benefit cuts for the poor.


scatematica t1_j5s1j3j wrote

Filing a one line proposed bill without language is standard at the start of session. If others support the concept, the committee can vote to “draft” it into a full bill.


AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_j5s3uy2 wrote

I'll need a citation on that standard. Willing to be corrected. Amendments? Sure.

Not something like this. They at least copy and paste a few paragraphs some lawyer sent in.

I guess you think it's going to pass too, or do we at least half agree?


scatematica t1_j5tbmq5 wrote

Look at the list of bills filed in the house last wednesday. Plenty of one-sentence concepts.

I’d expect the governors bill will have more legs than that of some random member of the minority party


FxTree-CR2 t1_j5uuesu wrote

They’ve been all on my comment calling them out for blowing smoke but can’t reply to your evidence that they don’t know what they’re talking about lmao


FxTree-CR2 t1_j5tl8pl wrote

You obviously don’t understand how this works, so the arrogance of “I’ll need a citation” instead of looking it up yourself is…. Interesting.


AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_j5tuk0n wrote

You're right I should have just replied with "no you're wrong" instead of....gasp....asking for evidence. What was I thinking.

I did click around for a while. And do somewhat regularly, when a bill interests me professionally.

Can't say in all my years I remember seeing so many one liners as I did from Fazio. Virtually all of his bills.

Even clicking random bills from random other reps and senators, I didn't find any.


FxTree-CR2 t1_j5u6ke3 wrote

I did GR in CT for 6 years. This is a well-established norm.


Lyn1987 t1_j5v3jx3 wrote

Who pissed in your cornflakes this morning?



Not a fan of those republicans, but that is what every proposed bill always looks like. Proposed bills are filed by individual lawmakers, not by committees. Committee Bills are what actually become law, but it is normal for them to be based on the barebones concepts that are in proposed bills.