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TreeEleben t1_j5gcadq wrote

I would highly advise getting a lawyer. Or at least getting a free consultation from one. Not sure if you're the victim, or the accused perpetrator, but this sounds like something you don't want to get screwed up on a technicality.


topsheetisamust t1_j5hxfm0 wrote

Great advice if you think anyone can answer what he’s asking because it makes zero sense.


TheSecretAgenda t1_j5gq5yl wrote

If no attorney will take your case you are wasting your time.

The old saw about the person who represents themselves in court having a fool for client.


jaredsparks t1_j5h4e0i wrote

I'm an attorney the judge will treat you fair but understand your damages are limited to $5k in small claims.


Chiefmack2 t1_j5h5gch wrote

Even if you were an attorney it’s still never a good idea to represent yourself.


topsheetisamust t1_j5hnaan wrote

No one can answer this question, because what you’re asking doesn’t make sense.


imangryignoreme t1_j5j4y0w wrote

Civil litigation is a very drawn out process and challenging if you are pro se. What claims are you considering bringing and what damages are you looking for?

If you’re thinking about bringing it as a tort, then I would ask for a mediation (settlement) conference as soon as possible (use a caseflow request). If you “want your day in court” or for your “voice to be heard,” the civil litigation system will be deeply disappointing for you. It’s only about money (damages).


husky429 t1_j5ohbyj wrote

My wife is a lawyer. You need to get a lawyer. You will not be successful without one.


404freedom14liberty t1_j5h0r8e wrote

One would need more information to give a helpful answer. Is this a civil suit against someone who has committed an assault? The practical problem is that it is generally difficult to collect a judgment should you prevail in court. Hence unless you can afford a hefty retainer it will be difficult to find an attorney to represent you.

It’s been my experience that judges in Connecticut are fair, not hostile, and understand the law.


CKwi88 t1_j5q1pju wrote

Get an attorney. Especially based off of your OP.

Presenting a sexual assault claim in civil court (small claims or otherwise) would be for monetary damages. Presenting one in family court would be for a protective/restraining order or during a divorce/custody/visitation case.

All wildly different, all wildly complicated for a layperson seeking advice on reddit.

Judges in CT are very accommodating to self-represented litigants, but they will not "help" you.

TLDR: Get an attorney