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SaddenedBKSticks t1_j6jtpt7 wrote

I'm not an experienced driver, but I took my test a couple years ago doing method #2 and didn't have any issues personally(or any parking deductions). It's way easier and natural and not as convuluted as the first, and plus, the guy in the first video didn't even park perfectly anyway, he went over the lines when backing up(because he pulled too far forward), which could potentially lose you points if you have someone strict, but maybe not. You really need to practice doing it though in the vehicle you'll be using, because that will determine your exact positions you'll need.

They want to know that you're confident behind the wheel, use proper turn signals(you need to make sure you use a turn signal for every move you make, even if it's overexaggeration), do not cross lines, and do not hit anything(including the back of the parking spot if there's a curb), and park center(not over the lines).

Note that with method #2, it requires more space and proper signal usage(it's easy to forget the signals during the test for it). I really struggled with method #1 in some cars, because I was trying to follow some strict rule.

You can't really count the spots ahead if they instruct you to park at the end spot. So just be mindful of trying different parking spot locations beforehand, because you don't always get to choose the spot you'll be parking in at the end of your test, and sometines in reality as well.

Try and go during the weekend and test in the parking lot in a few different spots(first spot, last one, center) to prepare.