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B00ZE_TAN t1_j648t1b wrote

As long as you don’t show up “All hat and no cattle”


Thro-it-a-way OP t1_j649f6q wrote

Well, we're not hauling our Herefords up here for a little while. Maybe in a couple years. How can I not be "all hat and no cattle" in the mean time?


cton_uniqueid t1_j64u1ie wrote

You could get an Australian Cattle Dog? =p I also vote for just wearing your hat as you like. CT is very you-do-you, some see it as cold but I feel like it's about not bothering others.


Ok-Collection-7253 t1_j66alue wrote

Or just as long as the OP doesn’t go “just hat”. They frown upon that. Plus it’s cold.