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gyokuro OP t1_j3qjjl0 wrote

The short answer is we will see less money, and less socially beneficial ownership, than the supporters of this state’s legalization envisioned in the spring of 2021, when the General Assembly passed the law that Gov. Ned Lamont signed with fanfare.


SneakySnake897 t1_j3qyq5k wrote

Why post this quote and not the following one? It literally follows with “and that’s fine” and then lists the benefits even if we make less than we thought and/or big buyers take over the industry.

It’s a win for CT 🤷🏾 Took too long and too much red tape, but I try not to let great get in the way of good.


gyokuro OP t1_j3qz5bd wrote

It's rationalizing the complete and total dominance of the CT market by corporate cannabis. But spin it however you need to.


SneakySnake897 t1_j3qziq9 wrote

But the article doesn’t say that. It says that there’s issues. I don’t see where you’re coming from, so I’ll wait and see.

Not spinning anything. Calm down.


gyokuro OP t1_j3qzspu wrote

You won't have to wait long. The same 4 incumbent players will fully control the market for at least another full calendar year (by design). Everyone can legally grow their own as of July 1st. After that, it's game over.


SneakySnake897 t1_j3r0igz wrote

Don’t think so. I lived through CA legalization and the majority of predictions on how that played out turned out to be untrue, so I’m not too worried. I’ll wait and see. Glad we finally got here though. Easy win for the state.


gyokuro OP t1_j3r0mc8 wrote

Yeah, and how is the CA legal market doing these days? Have you been paying attention?


SneakySnake897 t1_j3r0yi8 wrote

Great last I checked. Over 1b extra tax dollars in 2022 to spend on schools and infrastructure and voters just put in a bunch of new measures to grant more licenses. We don’t have the size to get there, but an extra 100+ million will certainly help!


gyokuro OP t1_j3r18zh wrote

I assume you don't talk to any small craft producers out there in California. Because you'd be hearing quite a different analysis.


SneakySnake897 t1_j3r2174 wrote

I mean, the tax revenue and licenses are just facts, not analysis. You seem like your primary objective is making sure small growers have a place in the market. My primary objectives are safety and tax dollars, followed by price, followed by seller.

🤷🏾 At least we are trying to help the smaller growers.


gyokuro OP t1_j3r28pr wrote

Are we, though? Have you really looked into it? The smaller growers here in Connecticut are not happy. They've mostly been excluded from access to the market, and those that did get a license had to partner up with MSOs or out-of-state investors.

Safety has been my lane for a while now.