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CassCat OP t1_j68e2i8 wrote

Reply to comment by PlayerOneDad in This is a cult, right? by CassCat

They also drink a lot of tea. Perhaps it's innocuous, but this is shades of Perfect Strangers (good show BTW). Psilocybin anyone?


flyingfred1027 t1_j6947p3 wrote

  • 9 Perfect Strangers. Unless there was something I didn’t catch, and Balki and Larry were actually running a cult.

CassCat OP t1_j694hnn wrote

Yeah it wasn't actually a cult in the end. But I think viewers were led to think that it was. Similar vibes as Grace, I guess is what I was trying to say.


Squaddr t1_j697pvo wrote

Never saw a show more falsely, misleadingly suspenseful, it was like a never ending blue balls situation, felt so unsatisfying and I ditched after the 3rd episode or so. Worthless entry.


CassCat OP t1_j697w8e wrote

Yeah, "they were doing drugs" is kind of an unsatisfying premise for a show which established so much intrigue in the beginning...still enjoyed it.


Squaddr t1_j698dgb wrote

I felt it was so draggy and pseudo psychological.. Nicole Kidman looked like a menacing nutjob but never blossomed.


tofucatskates t1_j69kn81 wrote

SERIOUSLY! dude i declined the “tea ceremony” when our band played there. everyone else did it. come to think of it, i’ve never seen them again… 🤔

(jk 😂)


CassCat OP t1_j69w1bz wrote

Hahaha, yeah they’re around. Their organs are just in different people.


xiroir t1_j6e2klm wrote

Hey myke celium! How you doing today?


CassCat OP t1_j6e2tye wrote



xiroir t1_j6e33zt wrote

Its a mycology dad joke.

Mycelium is what mushrooms grow out of.

So myke celium.


CassCat OP t1_j6e3bbq wrote

I am dad, and agree that all the smarter dad jokes require explanation 😂


xiroir t1_j6ejrde wrote

Nah it means i have reaaaaally gotten into growing my own mushrooms! Not that my joke is smart!

Speaking of which, i highly recommended entangled life by merlin sheldrake. It will blow your mind.

Like how trees communicate to other trees (avatar way of water style) through mycelium.