Submitted by Wiz21Reddit t3_10ejiti in Connecticut
werd2828 t1_j4r9b6b wrote
Water supply I think. There’s usually a pipe where water can be pulled from close by
ClokeB t1_j4r9c3a wrote
These signs mark a water source (typically a river, stream, or pond) for the fire department.
WellSeasonedUsername t1_j4ra6vx wrote
“W” for Wumbo
zubv t1_j4raha4 wrote
It means no pizza. You cannot find pizza at this immediate location.
FJCruisin t1_j4rbpls wrote
Not just the FD - it's a public water source where anyone can draw water
artemia26 t1_j4rcbai wrote
But many of these locations are on salt or brackish rivers.
Joggingmusic t1_j4rcjwo wrote
Its the new and improved VEO
pantyinthe203 t1_j4rcssc wrote
FJCruisin t1_j4rcznl wrote
guess you get what you pay for
MTGBruhs t1_j4rfear wrote
Wendigo spotted in area
adam_west_ t1_j4rglh8 wrote
Watershed area
Sonakstyle t1_j4rh8ef wrote
Whores in da house
welcomebackjelly t1_j4rhg1b wrote
W for Wumbo
SSoviet_Slayer t1_j4rhqcn wrote
High water table area caution to be used when raining etc as it floods over road easily
notbad2u t1_j4ri6zp wrote
The point down triangle is a symbol of feminine power. W is boobs.
ImCloserToThePin t1_j4rifmm wrote
Watershed area
Enginerdad t1_j4riwfl wrote
You know, I wumbo, You wumbo, He/she/me wumbo, wumbo, wumboing, We'll have thee wumbo, Wumborama, Wumbology, The study of wumbo?
legacylik t1_j4riydx wrote
legacylik t1_j4rizry wrote
Damnit you beat me
1984isnowpleb t1_j4rizxq wrote
“And it starts with a W!!!!!!”
[deleted] t1_j4rjbjd wrote
CaptServo t1_j4rkhv0 wrote
Dudes posting their W's.
Jets237 t1_j4rl3w2 wrote
thats a whale crossing. I'd probably stand somewhere else.
Ill-Whereas-5939 t1_j4rl8di wrote
Came here for this comment
ahrgees t1_j4rlxrp wrote
Local water for fire department hook up
CTdadof5 t1_j4rm4et wrote
Here is a link to CT signs. Not sure if this one is listed.
tdigren t1_j4rnclf wrote
It means W. It’s a letter in the English alphabet.
Novel_Mix2963 t1_j4rq86w wrote
Cubs Win
satansdebtcollector t1_j4rqq8f wrote
Winners. Because we all winners out in these here parts.
[deleted] t1_j4rrhaf wrote
SkokieRob t1_j4rttdf wrote
Vampires ahead (they are fangs)
jbooch_263 t1_j4ru3zn wrote
Chicago Cubs “win” flag
Aggravating_Lime7846 t1_j4ru9rj wrote
Wario crossing
curbthemeplays t1_j4rv0pa wrote
Women’s bathroom. Safe squat zone.
[deleted] t1_j4rvvr1 wrote
kesagatame-and-Chill t1_j4rw8tj wrote
bbd68 t1_j4rwuzb wrote
PDF document has 125 pages averaging 13 signs per page. No "W".
JeepManStan t1_j4rxomd wrote
Free Willy jump clear across the road
Alive-Worldliness-27 t1_j4ry27f wrote
Not listed in it
SNDBOBbb t1_j4ryjqp wrote
Sign lost top screw, it’s supposed to be an M.
DaleDimmaDone t1_j4rz435 wrote
wow, TIL thanks. woulda been nice to know when the power went out and i needed water to flush the toilet lol
FJCruisin t1_j4rzmb1 wrote
Yea but you'd probably have to climb down in there to fill your jugs it's not like a hose or anything. Probably be easier to just fill your jugs at a friend's house
capttony84 t1_j4s2kgt wrote
I'm gonna wash it down with a tall cool budweiser
FJCruisin t1_j4s2z56 wrote
PS - having a well, Ive learned plenty that living without running water isn't a big deal.. want a drink, get a gallon from the store.. wash your hands... use the same gallon.. but once you cant flush the toilet, damn if you arent living in a third world country. thankfully flush water doesnt have to be safe to drink, so I always fill up a bunch of old pool shock jugs with water and put them in the basement for such a need.
KevinO2156 t1_j4s37fj wrote
BobbyRobertson t1_j4s3aaf wrote
It's not a DOT sign, it won't be in there
Sunsailor76 t1_j4s4khs wrote
Water. Blue is the color you see on symbols about water.
Jhon778 t1_j4s5bvb wrote
HenryJamesTheMaster t1_j4s5hiz wrote
"Oh thin men of Haddam, why do you imagine golden birds?"
That W there stands for Wallace Stevens (in my off mind).
RocketElbow t1_j4s7l2n wrote
Wombo, I believe.
thegrandyman t1_j4s83m6 wrote
Lol jugs
DogemuchFuture t1_j4s8w02 wrote
tonysnight t1_j4s9sjw wrote
Beat me too Daddy uwu
FJCruisin t1_j4sb9gi wrote
thats what she said
mymomismybff t1_j4sbaeb wrote
I’ve filled my bathtub with snow, and used that to flush. Not sure if that’d work for summertime power outages though.
keeeeebo t1_j4sbzl1 wrote
haddam’s attempt at taking a W
[deleted] t1_j4sehvn wrote
sgorneau t1_j4skhb3 wrote
It would work in the summer, so long as it's snowing.
Forward-Ant-4433 t1_j4skkji wrote
Wheat Power ✊🏻
NaDuLaNDo t1_j4skr4j wrote
These signs are near water for the Fire Department to draw from, they are all over woodsy areas where there are NO fire hydrants around.
kev___416 t1_j4spoho wrote
That’s a “Wumbo” Gang sign
HazelFrederick t1_j4sr5cc wrote
Bring back the W
kfranko94 t1_j4std4y wrote
Meth labs to the west.
Marmar_8609 t1_j4suqeg wrote
Water supply. I grew up in Higganum..nice town
wileyakin t1_j4sxo9t wrote
It means “Wth is Wumbo?”
Jackers83 t1_j4sy1n5 wrote
Lolls. Wheat power!! That’s a great bread company slogan. Or not….
Jackers83 t1_j4sy709 wrote
Hey!! If the moon was made out of cheese, do you think you’d eat it??? Lets go Cubbies!!!
Jackers83 t1_j4syb7f wrote
Oooh. Best and most awesome answer.
[deleted] t1_j4sz4nh wrote
AGK47_Returns t1_j4szz28 wrote
The people saying Wendigos are correct, stand at the sign around midnight with chicken tenders and energy drinks and he might show up.
DryRough515 t1_j4t7pwo wrote
Wumbo signs
LazyUpvote88 t1_j4t7yx3 wrote
Have we agreed upon what that means? I googled it last night but never found a solid answer
[deleted] t1_j4t919w wrote
craftcanny t1_j4tbct6 wrote
Alright, all - I'll bite. What's a Wumbo?
Flights4Med t1_j4tbo2m wrote
It’s a Win
megan_magic t1_j4tkk36 wrote
Looks like they got it set to wumbo
collin7474 t1_j4tks3a wrote
FJCruisin t1_j4tnb1t wrote
in the summer just pee outside
[deleted] t1_j4tol07 wrote
SirSteg t1_j4tpfvd wrote
That part of the woods is inhabited by a witch or several witches
carcadoodledo t1_j4tqkcd wrote
Thought it was for a Cubby’s win
Early-Emphasis-2417 t1_j4tsa3w wrote
I can't ever get away from those dang Cubs fans
WarpathZero t1_j4ttg1l wrote
You forgot the crack.
nottodaypotato21 t1_j4txbkz wrote
realnrh t1_j4txyhr wrote
"Lara Croft Below."
ExplanationMinimum51 t1_j4u462u wrote
That’s a great idea!!
TrashPandaShire t1_j4u5ccc wrote
The Bush II trail when he was a Yale student.
avecaucasianmale t1_j4uvj2u wrote
Wario crossing.
[deleted] t1_j4uwc9l wrote
pikalaxalt t1_j4uwy3r wrote
When passing this sign, blow your horn in a long-long-short-long pattern.
cjrun t1_j4v0yoy wrote
Many uses for water don’t require it to be clean enough for human consumption.
MiniMog9070 t1_j4v30sf wrote
Set your belts to wombo to pass
travelingtutor t1_j4v38si wrote
It's very niche, but anyone who has a pug must go "WooWooWoo!" as they pass it.
I know, I know.
Brachycephaliphiles understand.
Heemz_ t1_j4v6eof wrote
It stands for wumbo
grandepoobah88 t1_j4v7r0w wrote
Those are the new markers for the WEED dispensaries.
Dabasacka43 t1_j4v9shg wrote
It means white power
Smart-Tomato-3967 t1_j4vbsyv wrote
It’s for water supply. What road is it on?
AlBundyIsMyHero666 t1_j4vezq3 wrote
ibrewalotNH t1_j4vg435 wrote
I tap into my water heater for toilet power so no shower. Might as well use the time to drain any silt from the water heater and then flush away.
HighJeanette t1_j4vgc1l wrote
Wabbit Warning
Own_Strength_1089 t1_j4vjhp3 wrote
Why would your toilet not flush with the power out? No working meter?
DaleDimmaDone t1_j4vqirv wrote
i got well water so i only get one flush
Sir-Theodore t1_j4w2pgl wrote
They're reminding you you're a winner :)
danhm t1_j4w6b1p wrote
It still works in the summer as long as it hasn't evaporated by then!
NobleOceanAlleyCat t1_j4xb8y0 wrote
White people
CT_Cryptids t1_j577uaa wrote
Nesting grounds for the Higganum Mucket. That particular sign seems to have fallen upside down. Be mindful and don’t get bitten by any Mucket pups who bask on the streambeds.
MuffinMobile643 t1_j5f5axi wrote
Watershed area
vdubsbars92 t1_j4r8y21 wrote
Women are near by