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[deleted] t1_j6nbed7 wrote



jessiyjazzy123 t1_j6o5pep wrote

That's ridiculous that it isn't excused. My daughter had it two weeks ago and letting me know her quarantine time would be excused was one of the first things her nurse did. Kids shouldn't be at school sick. That's how you get more sick kids.


IAmThe0neWhoKn0ckss t1_j6ornr0 wrote

In our district, being sick with a doctors note doesn’t matter. Excused absences are still counted as absences.

Last year, my kid broke his arm (missed one day), got covid, got the flu and missed one other day (…the day after he had been assaulted by another kid in class) and the school still gave me problems. Only one absence didn’t have a note and I think the total was like 12 days.

I don’t know what to do. I can’t send him sick but keeping him home is an issue.