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matt143450 t1_jac6xa3 wrote

I wish adult snow days existed, I love snow, hate driving through it though.


LazyUpvote88 t1_jacbdus wrote

They do! Just be a teacher!


canaguy840 t1_jaccqi1 wrote

Or get a job with a company that actually gives you adequate time off.


matt143450 t1_jacfvv5 wrote

Do you like buying food? We're always open no matter what, save Christmas.


ovrhere_ t1_jacj9d4 wrote

We can shop for more than one day at a time. You should get more (paid) time off.


at_work_keep_it_safe t1_jaclhpx wrote

I don't see how buying food is relevant to the concept of taking time off when you want to.


matt143450 t1_jacr2xm wrote

The food store is open always, people need to work to keep the people fed.


NostraVoluntasUnita t1_jadx228 wrote

I took the day off to play with my kids in the snow. Built a big snow ramp for their monstertrucks and some snowmen for them to destroy. Ive lost a son so believe me when I say: Its worth it, you never know how many you will get.


houle333 t1_jad90kg wrote

Last firm I worked at the boss had a Maserati that could not handle his 5 mile commute if it snowed.

So everyone worked from home when it snowed.