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CiforDayZServer t1_j7uvpgz wrote

Cliffs notes for Google search results:

Raymond Neuberger, 39 of Fairfield Connecticut former Republican member of Fairfield’s Representative Town Meeting from 2013 to 2017 and ran for state representative in 2016.

Police said Neuberger poured boiling water on Thor and fractured several of Charlie’s ribs. Burns covered 8 to 10 percent of Thor’s body when his owner sought treatment for him on June 22, 2017, according to a warrant for Neuberger's arrest.

Police said Neuberger beat Gem and doused the cat in bleach while his girlfriend was not home. When Neuberger’s girlfriend returned on Aug. 7, she found Gem in poor condition and rushed the dying cat to an animal hospital, police said. During a necropsy, police said, veterinarians determined Gem had suffered head trauma, collapsed lungs, a ruptured liver and a broken fang.


1JoMac1 t1_j7vkwkx wrote

Holy hell what a complete bastard of a human being. If you're running around treating animals like Fluffies there really should be a registry so people know not to leave you alone with one.