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IndicationOver OP t1_j9ldlh0 wrote

What are you talking about maybe you should read my post again along with the link provided in 2023.


Big-Pond t1_j9lf9h7 wrote

It’s reprehensible to completely rewrite your OP and pretend you haven’t.

Edit; to any downvoters-the opening post is not what was posted even remotely which is why my above response seems aggressive. It was appropriate to the original post.


IndicationOver OP t1_j9lhzmq wrote

I made no edits on my post wtf are you talking about? I have no idea what you are talking about I am talking about present day news you weirdo.

Russia, China show off ties amid maneuvering over Ukraine today from Associated Press


Thanks for contributing nothing, like I am the problem in global affairs. I have no ill will towards you just confusion at the moment.


Big-Pond t1_j9m58m6 wrote

You completely removed and rewrote your post.

Why you would bother to deny that now is a mystery for your therapist to address.

I have no interest in seeing anything more from you, you clearly have issues.