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NKevros t1_j9o8kx5 wrote

You're the second person in the past two days admitting they're on the road illegally. I'm sure you maintained insurance too, right? AAA roadside is not insurance.

You need registration and insurance for your vehicle. You also need a license to drive. There, I figured it out for you.


ConsiderPissingHere t1_j9oanb0 wrote

While I agree use of the road needs to be legal, owning a parked unregistered car should not result in its theft. Cops should pull them over ON the road and arrest / ticket / impound then.

OP - unless you got notice of its impending impoundment, file a police report as it was stolen.


Devonai t1_j9o8t77 wrote

Have you ever heard of the Martingale Technique for playing Roulette? The idea is that you sit near a table and wait for it to red or black a certain number of times, then bet on the opposite color. The longer it lands on one or the other, the more likely it will flip.

But wait! This is based on the human conceit that the odds get better over time. They do not, the odds of the table going red or black at any given time are always 50% (slightly less for roulette). You're no better off waiting.

So you see, the odds of the cops catching up to you were always 50%, even though it seemed like over time things had swung in your favor.


coolducklingcool t1_j9ob36j wrote

You didn’t know that your registration paperwork was either expired or missing? And that you hadn’t paid for it in years…? You’re lucky you weren’t pulled over. You’d have had your vehicle towed on the spot and some trouble with the police for sure.

I have never had AAA check my registration. Not their job.


werd2828 t1_j9o9c6f wrote

You can reregister your car but I think if it hasn’t been registered in 2 or more years it needs to go through an inspection


contcash t1_j9oc1tc wrote

It sounds like your car was stolen. The cops wouldn't just tow a parked unregistered vehicle.


namastayhom33 t1_j9od00p wrote

From your wording, you didn’t know it wasn’t registered for 5 years? Have you had mail from state DMV? It seems weird for a car to potentially be repossessed unless you have had previous notice and just ignored it. An unregistered car especially one you are constantly using is…bold.


IntotheDeadlights t1_j9od0tz wrote

I forgot to renew my registration one time and I woke up to find my car gone (I had been living at an apartment complex at the time). It was towed away in the middle of the night. I was convinced it was stolen. Came to find it was because my registration was expired. I was more pissed about the apartment complex allowing towing companies to take your car in the middle of the night.

So yeah, always remember to pay your registration fees.


BLKMALE-NYC t1_j9oepon wrote

You maybe in for an unexpected world of hurt. If the vehicle was uninsured and not registered, they my fine you for each day the car was on the road unregistered/ uninsured. And to boot, it will go against the registered owner’s license until the fines are paid before you can register another car in the state. They may suspend your license as well until everything is satisfied. It’s disheartening to read such a blatant disregard to ensure your vehicle was road worthy via inspections and no insurance.


sjsmac t1_j9o9ylx wrote

About five years ago the CT dmv got a new computer system and dropped a letter from my VIN when moving my car to the new system. I got a letter saying they screwed up, was told to return a slip with a check for registration, and all would be fine. I did this.

All was not fine. Ii turns out I never got another registration notice and ended up driving the car with invalid plates for over three years. I finally noticed that only our other car was getting tax bills and registration notices, so I got the first car emissions tested and re-registered it with a new plate last summer.

But what does this have to do with your car being stolen? Are you saying someone repossessed it? For this registration issue?
