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phantompenis2 t1_j9a6va5 wrote

it actually sounds like you're making the same point as the person you're responding to


Salty-Leg-9037 t1_j9a8883 wrote

Interpret how you wish.. That isn't the point I made. She argued that capitalism ruins people's lives. That is incorrect. Especially if you are a beneficiary of that system. So you downvote the comment because you disagreed with it, 😆


phantompenis2 t1_j9a8p0e wrote

no, they're saying under a free market such disasters would have been avoided. that's a common argument libertarians make. i didn't down vote you, mr sensitive, im a free marketer


SecretLadyMe t1_j9adr60 wrote

I'm most definitely NOT a libertarian. And I'm saying if we listened to the rail workers (and their concern for their own lives and working conditions) over corporate interest (to maximize profits) then yes, maybe the recent disasters would have been avoided. Maximizing profits at the expense of human life is disgusting.