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JustADudeBeingADood t1_j981utz wrote

Pretty average to below average. Better than Bridgeport or Waterbury, worse than Plainville/Bristol/Southington. Way worse than the Farmington Valley, Glastonbury, and West Hartford.

It has had some bad press lately due to some high profile incidents involving administrators getting attacked or someone bringing a gun to school. But regardless, it has always been a pretty (slightly below) average town.

I would feel fine raising my family there if I found a good deal on a house. A kid can thrive anywhere with solid parenting and resources.

Edit: it is worth knowing that you are comparing emeralds to rubies compared to school systems outside of New England. Connecticut has fantastic schools and even Manchester has wonderful schools compared to rural Georgia. Don't let comparison be the thief of joy. Because none of us are Westport (:


rysimpcrz t1_j985uzp wrote

This is an excellent review because you add a true contrast and comparison.