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roo-ster t1_j6yxa1e wrote

> a nonprofit that purchases medical debt at a fraction of its original cost, then forgives borrowers.

In other words, these 'debts' have already been written off by the healthcare providers. They were then put out on the open market for bottom-feeders to bid for the right to extort payments from people who may or may not actually owe any money.

This is the "greatest country in the world"? Really?


Shmeves t1_j6zhwgz wrote

Yup. Capitalism run rampant. Corporate greed/greed led to this. I’m glad the non profit exists to help, but it sucks that they’re necessary in the first place.


houle333 t1_j70kdwv wrote

Hey, you wrote "bottom feeders" but that's kinda inaccurate. You should have written "group of private investors that includes Lamont's wife as a limited partner".

Wouldn't want people to get the wrong impression and think you are implying that the Lamont's are bottom feeders.