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Kolzig33189 t1_j9wnhug wrote

If you can find a rental at that price, the finances are doable but I think it might be difficult to find that (unless you already have it in place). Likely it might be a little tight with a monthly car payment if you choose to go that route until groceries and other staples prices retreat a little bit, but if you’re frugal anyway that’s great.


siditumart OP t1_j9wpmsb wrote

Thank you a lot. Your answer is very appreciated.


Kolzig33189 t1_j9yrrsd wrote

One thing I thought of later/just now is if you don’t already have housing secured, check to see if UConn either has some apartments/condos set aside for out of state faculty moving here or if they have connections to local landlords where you would get a good price. Some employers do that, not sure specifically about UConn but definitely worth looking into.