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t1_j7594oy wrote

Reply to comment by in Dumbass by

If there are 3 spots left in a parking lot and someone double parks, you are simply taking the last physical space in the lot.

If I have two toddlers with me, I'm not qualifying for a handicap sticker. If I injure my leg temporarily, I'm not qualifying for a sticker.


OP t1_j75aa0j wrote

You are talking about different scenarios now. None of that applies here as there were other spots available.if you have two toddlers find a way to move them around.theres no excuse for an improper parking or driving.Good luck telling the cop that you got an injured leg.


t1_j76ci8o wrote

Side note: as someone who injured themselves when he had a baby in a baby seat, you absolutely can get a temp disabled tag and it's not even difficult. I've also had a temp disabled tag when I didn't have a baby but needed crutches after an injury on my left (non driving) leg.


t1_j76l6uk wrote

You're wrong, sorry. I'm probably going to eat some downvotes, but the other commenter is correct in this instance.

That being said, this person is parked like an ass


OP t1_j770oap wrote

Because they are making all the imaginable scenarios to justify this. Toddlers,injured leg.. with the mindset you can excuse just about anything.idk why even have laws then.