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fprintf t1_j9cj2vd wrote

Ok near Southington might be better.

Viron Rondo's just over the border in Cheshire is consistently highly rated.

New Mill very good reviews, though I don't necessarily see the appeal myself, but it is always packed so obviously must be doing something right!

Craft Kitchen near Southington Country Club is one of our favorites. Kind of farm-to-table and their burgers are the best I've had in a. long while.

And for greek style pizza you absolutely can't be Family Pizza... we travel from several towns over to get it!


blueturtle00 t1_j9cr6gp wrote

I wish craft kitchen didn’t use pretzel buns though.


comish4lif t1_j9d1yq5 wrote

I love Pretzel buns.

I can practically walk to Family Pizza. Been a while since I've been there.

All of those places are good - Viron Rondo is our go-to for special occasions.


blueturtle00 t1_j9diwtb wrote

Yeah they are good in the moment and don’t really travel well, only had the burger Togo a few times one day I’ll make it in there for a sit down