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NeOxXt t1_j9oebdv wrote

Turn in your plates/cancel the registration.


abnerkravitz860 t1_j9oeeuv wrote

Cancel your registration. Towns get their information from DMV. Maybe wouldn't hurt to notify your town's assessor also


raynethackery t1_j9oegwi wrote

Did you get any kind of paperwork that you no longer own it?


IndependentPlum8794 t1_j9oholu wrote

Just went through this, go to motor vehicle and cancel your registration. Then take the paperwork to the assessors office in your town.


mkt853 t1_j9oj2vg wrote

How is the car not in your possession? Even if totaled it is still yours.


TreeEleben t1_j9oxnlz wrote

Cancel the registration first, insurance second. If you cancel insurance first, the DMV will fine you $200.


Material-Strength-92 t1_j9oynld wrote

Cancel registration online, keep receipt, take insurance off after or you will incur the $200 fine. Keep receipt, bring to town hall to make sure you are off the tax rolls. If not have your insurance agent/company write a letter with VIN number and date the vehicle was removed.


SonicBoom6 t1_j9p0dqt wrote

If the town charge you, give them the insurance claim stating total loss. They will adjust it from date of lost


gatogrande t1_j9p0fu2 wrote

Bill of sale to the assessor, boom done


SadAd9756 t1_j9p7afa wrote

All you have to do is cancel your reg on the DMV website. You don't need to send plates back, you can destroy them and throw in garbage. You can also cancel your insurance BEFORE without any fines/fees like someone mentioned as long as the vehicle isn't leased or financed, and even then you still most likely would not be charged anything.


asspirate420 t1_j9pw4ps wrote

cancel registration, bring assessor copy of cancellation and total loss letter from your insurance company


SummaJa87 t1_j9qh28m wrote

Give cityhall your total loss papers.


licpl8man t1_j9rmvjx wrote

Plates DO NOT have to go back to the DMV anymore. Save yourself the headache and cancel your registration online. The DMV should automatically notify the tax assessor in your town that the registration has been cancelled but print out and save the cancelled registration receipt just in case. If you want to transfer your plates to a new car select “held by customer” when the website asks for the plate disposition. If you select “cancelled” or “lost/stolen” at that prompt I’m pretty sure the plates can’t be transferred.


thisoneiaskquestions t1_j9t7dc0 wrote

Well that's good to know. And also sucks. A few years ago I tried to do it this way/backwards and my insurance wouldn't let me; they required proof of canceled plates before they would cancel my (prepaid) insurance plan.

Edit: whoops thought this was the MA sub. So doesn't apply??