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t1_j9vco27 wrote

Ooof, I wish I had enough time to chat about how the thinking is so backwards with gun safety/use training/education—but that would probably take the rest of my life. It’s so frustrating when the response to any gun-involved tragedy is seemingly devised by folks unfamiliar with guns as a hobby, and they’re unwittingly making it harder for the safest, most trained if not well-trained folks to engage with guns safely.

FWIW, I’ve begun shooting with family a couple times a month. Hadn’t fired a weapon in about twenty years until going to a gun range a few weeks ago with my father, and I’m really interested in obtaining my permit and such. Wish folks were more open minded about gun owners and ownership in general.


t1_j9y0t8e wrote

Not trolling you but what measures would you suggest to curb mass shootings? I’ve never fired a gun and have zero interest to. But obviously these whackos who do these mass shootings are able to obtain and use guns way too easily.


t1_j9ymcjy wrote

Your base premiss is that the tool is the issue not the person. We have had to tool for a lot longer than the problem. It was pretty easy to find dynamite as a kid every farmer had a shack full way out on the back 40. But for the most part nothing bad happened related to this. Guns were far more available and commonly used, we grew up knowing what it was to take and animals life to feed ourselves. Learning to kill something gives you an appreciation of the act that I dont think people have anymore.

So you need to attack the issue from a different direction. For government thats harder as often thats looking as why systemic supports are not in place.