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CalligrapherDizzy201 t1_j9yg5kr wrote

Gas tax isn’t a sin tax, genius.


Whiskey_Fiasco t1_j9ygw1q wrote

Gas tax is an excise tax, just like alcohol and tobacco.


CalligrapherDizzy201 t1_j9yh48k wrote

Yes, and two of those are referred to as sin taxes. Hint: it’s not gas.


Whiskey_Fiasco t1_j9yil05 wrote

Excise taxes are referred to as sin taxes by anti-tax advocates, and gasoline is subject to excise taxes


CalligrapherDizzy201 t1_ja01ge8 wrote

Sin taxes are called as such because they are designed to curtail the use of that which is being taxes. The gas tax isn’t to discourage the purchase of gas. It’s to pay for the roads that the gas is being used on.