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SonicBoom6 t1_j8mo8n5 wrote

ES - Eversource has an ever growing dividends every year to it shareholder. It will eventually reach the top 20 dividend paying stocks on NYSE by 2025 next to Fastenal by 2024

Part of executives compensation agreement are in stocks. They are paying themselves through dividends. Just never sold the shares so it's not taxable or reduced the longer they hold it. Nothing corrupt about that. Most NYSE company does that.

From my understanding the company performance sucks. So I passed on buying in for the dividends. A growing debt to asset ratio now at 70%

My understanding of the company political standing and involvement is lacking so don't judge me. When they say they gonna shift the cost to shareholders. I think it's impossible unless they looking to cut dividends. Cutting it enough will make this company unattractive eventually bankrupt unless they charge the customers to cover the cost. The executive could then exercise their options and sell to pay themselves.

I'm just saying this political move can eventually fuck the customers over. I do not know as I have no vote in the company.