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AdHistorical7107 OP t1_j915zvj wrote

I'm more concerned for her kid than us. But that's a different topic.

So what's your reasoning why it shouldn't be available to the public? Are you echoing others (bad guys will use it as a tool), or do you have other concerns?


Pruedrive t1_j917056 wrote

No it’s just something that shouldn’t be available to the public because it’s information of a personal nature. In all due honesty in this situation how would that information really change anything, outside of maybe interjecting a bit more fear into it? Until she does something illegal, or dangerous wether or not she has a permit is irrelevant, she’s clearly an unstable person, she could already have access to a weapon with no permit.. and needs to be treated in those regards. The authorities who respond to the situation will know if she has one or not.


AdHistorical7107 OP t1_j917iq3 wrote

OK. So your reasoning is that it's personal.

I can divest into more of your points, but won't. All valid and good talking points imo.


Pruedrive t1_j917u3t wrote

Yeah that information should be between you and the issuing authority, that’s it.. it holds no relevance for anyone else outside of a gun store, and shooting range. The broader public having access to it only creates the potential for further abuse.


DeskFan203 t1_j91sx5v wrote

If the kid is school age, chances are she's shown her true self in the school and admin/teachers/SW are very aware, if not already involved.