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t1_j91h59o wrote

Preface: I’m asking out of interest, not malice.

Why would you want guns impossible to purchase? (Legally of course). All of the other guns won’t magically disappear with the complete stoppage of all gun sales. Regardless of your personal opinions on guns, are there any other constitutional rights you think should be done away with?


t1_j93b130 wrote

I can dream, can't I? Lol. The constitution gives us rights. I don't have to agree with all of it, just respect it. I can't change things that are written there. But I sure wish we could do away with the huge number of available firearms. Use them for hunting, no problem. How do you sort out the deer hunters from the human hunters? I have no idea how to plan or undertake this, nor does much of our government. They are letting it be for now but maybe my great grand kids will not see as many guns, or better yet, maybe firearms will be effectively banned by then. It's a tough issue. And I am going to vote in the direction of anything that reduces guns in irresponsible hands, if the issue is presented.

It's kind of snarky of you to assume I expect constitutional rights to be done away with at this point. Amendments could happen, but it's not likely. In the meantime, each opinion is valued.

Thank you for a thought -provoking bit of snark.
