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Gooch__Gobbler t1_j8u0cy4 wrote

As part of the UConn alumni, this whole situation feels like the UConn administration is trying to shift the blame onto the state for the mismanagement of their own finances.

Since graduating nearly 7 years ago, the in-state cost of attendance has increased from $23k or so (during my senior year), to over $30k last year when my younger sister graduated. How can they justify a 30% increase over 6 years with the same quality of education and the campus life not being much different? It’s absolutely ridiculous how the university is trying to blame the state for their own shortcomings.


yolagchy t1_j8vdlhb wrote

Could not agree more! I have spent 6+ years at UCONN getting my Ph.D and I can tell you there is so much corruption and mismanagement going on! In particular, SoE Dean is incompetent, that is where cleansing should start from. I am sure UCONN can be a lot more efficient and productive, and there is room for that to happen. I am not against new engineering buildings, I love them especially the last one (science I), but I can’t say same things for the scientists in there. Last time when I heard, management was cutting subscriptions to scientific journals and only few were left freely accessible. And guess what? Accessible journals were all used by dean of SoE or Radenka. I hope best for the UCONN but with the current management I just can’t see much improvement happening. Painful it is!


HazelFrederick t1_j8up0uo wrote

They justify it because fixed costs have gone up without the state matching the increases. Same with the rest of the system. They justify it because math exists. It’s not “mismanagement” it’s just reality.

And no you can’t just dip into the endowment as most funds are restricted by donors for specific purposes.


reefsofmist t1_j8uyaw2 wrote

Their fixed costs did not increase 30% it's bullshit and everyone knows it


OutTheOfficeWindow t1_j8v3hy3 wrote

Maybe not 30% but I bet a lot more than one assumes. They just opened a massive science building which requires upkeep and staff.


ShamusTheClown t1_j8wbm3o wrote

"Oh no, our fixed costs keep going up because we keep constructuing more expensive giant buildings. Why wont the state help us with this unforseen burden??"


DystopianRealist t1_j8vujsw wrote

While the cost of a bachelor’s degree has been going up at extreme rates nationally, UConn tuition is getting to the point where going out of state can be more affordable, and at equally good or better universities.

Mismanagement and poor development choices have been an ongoing problem at the “snores” branch.

I’m too tired to dig into comparisons right now, but if I recall SUNY out of state is cheaper than UConn in state. Amherst, UMass as well. I use those for proximity and similar cost of living in the states.


LordConnecticut t1_j8wjhji wrote

No it’s mismanagement. When you renovate a building, only to completely rip out what you did and renovate it again in a year, with high end materials, it’s mismanagement.