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squirrell1974 OP t1_j7lwuzj wrote

That makes a lot of sense. We aren't POC, but looking at it like that I can definitely see a young woman being unsafe in a male dominated world. As a female myself, I'm surprised I didn't think of this. Thank you for this perspective!


tookerken t1_j7lxre8 wrote

Especially at a time where men were teaching women to be weak and subservient and that they have to be this ideological pure thing. Whereas men historically have been taught they should act almost opposite of that. They need to be assertive borderline aggressive, they have to take what they want, that they're out there to be the driving force. Especially if this was in the '60s and it was a white dominated culture.

And if this was in a rougher area, or lower income area The likelihood of that aggression and that domineering personality being less cultured and more instinctive and impulsive goes up exorbitantly.

It's why statistically lower income neighborhoods and communities have higher crime rates than more affluent communities. Low income communities have less access to higher education, less access to tools that would teach them interpersonal and communicational skills.

So you have a higher rate of crime, a riot higher rate of violence, a higher rate of aggressiveness. That could be scary to a teenage person Male or female. especially if they're not accustomed to that situation if they were raised in a kinder home. Or gentler home. Or one that just had a different outlook and perception on life.

This is all conjecture. I wasn't alive in the '60s. I have no first-hand experience with this. I myself am a white male. This is just speculation and a thought experiment based on communication and my experiences with just people and life in general.