Submitted by polarbears84 t3_1253zsm in DIY
Submitted by polarbears84 t3_1253zsm in DIY
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Like how? With a lighter you mean?
Blow Torch
Radical… Will need to borrow one
It works a lot of the times. Focus the heat on the nut without heating the bolt. Your counting on thermal energy expansion here to break the bond so heating the nut makes it get bigger as long as the bolt does not get to hot and expand too.
Got it. Thanks!
Success! I used a candle though, it did nothing at first. I decided to hunt for a better drill bit, found one perhaps 1 mm bigger, and this time it came out like butter. Maybe the metal needed a few minutes to expand? Maybe combo fire + change of drill bit?
Anyway, thank you!!
minesskiier t1_je2bkow wrote
Get some liquid wrench or other product and let it sit on there for a day. then spray again and let sit for a day... until it works. Oh heat if you can heat up the nut without damaging whats around it.