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bms42 t1_jecxq9s wrote

Remove any fasteners holding the box and see if there's enough play in the conduit to move it over a few inches. It'll depend on where that conduit is attached to the stud.

If it moves far enough then just shim the stud with 2 more 2x4 scraps and reattach the box (cut a new hole in the drywall for it).

If you can't move it far enough then you'll have to open that back wall further and figure out how to get some play in the conduit.

Weird that there's metal conduit in the wall. That's bad luck on your part.


JamesHoIden OP t1_jed4niy wrote

Thanks for the suggestion! Unfortunately there is basically zero give to the conduit. I’ve just learned that to remain up to code / pass inspection in Chicago you MUST use steel conduit for all electrical wiring. So if I go that route I’ll need to extend the conduit, not the end of the world but still very annoying.