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chopsuwe t1_iuag0cx wrote

Follow the recommended dose and you'll be fine. 2-4 hours is typical for bedrooms and 4-8 hours for bigger rooms in a normal sized house. The problem comes when they are left running for days at a time.

Ozone works well for removing fresh smoke smell. You still need to wash soft furnishings like curtains, couches and carpets as well as all hard surfaces like the walls, ceiling, doors, windows and frames. If they've been smoking in there long term you'll never get the smell out. Nicotine, tar and all the other nasties get absorbed into every surface.


timetoremodel t1_iuagojm wrote

Ozone is O3. Oxygen is O2. Ozone is always trying to get rid of that third atom by attaching it to something else. That something else that takes that single atom becomes oxidized. Oxidation is a destructive process. Ozone is an air pollutant. It oxidizes lung tissue. Be very careful and do some research on this.


LarixOcc t1_iuakx6t wrote

They work great just don't breath the ozone. Find a machine with a timer, set it for a few hours and leave. When you get back, open everything up and leave again as it airs out.


SimulatedLiving t1_iuamkcl wrote

I own an ozone generator, and I have used it to deodorize rentals and a used car I bought that had a slight smoke odor. It worked well. I performed multiple sessions in each room and in the car. As others have stated…don’t breathe the ozone. Let the areas air out before re-entering. Do not leave pets in the area either. Ozone can irritate mucus membranes.


koderdood t1_iuanxpc wrote

I had a rental property that prople smoked a shitload of weed in. Got the blu-dri hepa scrubber from home depot rental. Rented it for one week..took the whole week. 300 bucks thereabouts. It worked however


chopsuwe t1_iuax88m wrote

To an extent, yes. It's not a magical cure all though, there's a limit to what it can do and which substances it will work on. And it does nothing for all the smoke residue that's soaked into those surfaces.


chopsuwe t1_iuaxr2k wrote

The article is talking about leaving an ozone generator running permanently as a form of air freshener. That's very different to using high dose ozone as a one off treatment to oxidize smoke residue.


Guygan t1_iub1vv5 wrote

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