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gone_to_plaid t1_ithjstt wrote

I have this porch light which I have not yet had to change (we bought the house in 2019). It is super dim and I'm looking into putting brighter bulbs in it or replacing it entirely. I'm stuck at the beginning, how to I take the plate off to change out the bulbs? I do not see any screws and I don't want to just pull it off if that's not the correct way to do it. Any help would be appreciated.


Astramancer_ t1_iti14cw wrote

It's probably spring clips of some variety.

Something like this:

Basically the spring arms get put through a little slot and they want to spread out thanks to the spring. As you push the face of the light against the ceiling the springs do spread out and hold it snug. As you pull it down those little loops on the end will catch on the slot but you should have enough clearance that you can reach in and squeeze the arms together and fit everything through the slot to remove the light plate entirely and gain access to the bulb.

Try rocking it back and forth to feel if there's a pivot point. If there is it's probably where those spring clips are, there's probably only 2. If it is spring clips you should be able to just pull down with a couple of pounds of force and that'll be that.

It could also be some sort of twist lock, but probably not with a square fixture.


gone_to_plaid t1_itifxco wrote

Thanks! It was exactly as you described it. I was able to put in a reasonably bright lightbulb and clean many years of dirt off the inside of the glass.