Austoman t1_iui14tz wrote
Hilti appears to have a UK branch. They have a variety of steel washers (at least in Canada). Check their site and hopefully you can find what you need.
Outside_Advantage845 t1_iui1s9e wrote
Can you not bore out the m6 center with a properly sized drill bit?
lemlurker OP t1_iui2df0 wrote
Figured reliably doing that without it biting given the low grip area would be very difficult
ja_maz t1_iui25yu wrote
I was in a similar position recently I needed a 40mm washer with an m4 hole. It was impossible to find I had to use a smaller one.
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Nun-Taken t1_iui14o5 wrote
Find a machinist / model engineer locally and they can make you exactly what you need. Look for ‘model engineering society’. There may even be a register somewhere. I no longer have access to a lathe otherwise I could have knocked something up.