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scirocco_flowers t1_isoymzc wrote

Any suggestions on what to do with this AC drain area that’s been growing moss all summer? AC drain onto concrete on the shady side of the house


--Ty-- t1_isviyyl wrote

Add tubing at the correct pitch to carry / divert the water downhill.


scirocco_flowers t1_isw0lm2 wrote

What is the correct pitch? The outlet is only a few inches off the ground and it’s flat cement all around. I was thinking I could run pipe to the nearest downspout maybe? It’s about ten feet away and I assume there’s a bit of a grade from there to drain somewhere though it doesn’t look like it.


--Ty-- t1_isw2d2u wrote

1/8 of an inch per foot is a standard minimum grade for patios and stonework, and also happens to be the minimum grade for AC condensate lines (use 3/4" tubing at a minimum)

If you're able to achieve that kind of a drop across however far you need to go, then great.


scirocco_flowers t1_isw39jy wrote

Awesome, thanks for the info!


--Ty-- t1_isw3qy7 wrote

Don't be afraid to go steeper if you are able to. 1/4" per foot is what's recommended for stonework and patios and the drainage line, 1/8th is just the minimum.