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JerseyWiseguy t1_ixf30me wrote

You might need the round-to-oval adapter. It depends on whether that's a common oval duct or a round duct that has merely been "squished" a bit to fit inside a 2x4 wall. I can't tell which, from the photo.

As for how to hook up the rest? That depends a lot on whether your existing dryer duct lines up with (or extremely close to) the wall duct, when the dryer is pushed into place. If it lines up, you may be able to use something like an adjustable rigid-metal elbow, right off the dryer, going up to the wall duct (or adapter). If it doesn't line up, then what would be best is an elbow right off the dryer, then a length of straight rigid duct, then another elbow or two leading to the wall duct (or adapter). As an alternative, you could use a metal semi-rigid duct, going right from the dryer to the wall duct (or adapter).

I can't be certain, but it appears that the duct in your first photo is a length of semi-rigid duct with a small piece of rigid duct that is either an oval adapter or has been squished to fit inside the oval. If so, you can just connect the oval piece to the wall duct and tighten the clamp, then connect the other end to the dryer and tighten the clamp. (You don't need to "stretch" the semi-rigid duct any more than is needed for it to reach.) Just be sure that you don't crush the duct, when you push the dryer back against the wall.


softhardcoder OP t1_ixf4ol0 wrote

It seems like it's an oval duct to me but I may be wrong. How can I tell for certain?

Yes, you're correct, the duct in the first photo is a length of semi-rigid duct with a small piece of rigid duct and everything is round. The only thing that seems to be oval to me is the in-wall duct. What's the purpose of the rigid duct that has been attached to the semi-rigid duct?


JerseyWiseguy t1_ixfcy1h wrote

If the duct seems like an oval, than I would suggest you pick up a round-to-oval adapter, and see if that works. If it does, great; problem solved. If the oval part of the adapter doesn't seem to match up well with the duct in your wall, than it may be that someone just squished a piece of round duct.

Not sure why someone attached the piece of rigid duct to the semi-rigid duct. I don't see any reason why you can't simply remove it.


softhardcoder OP t1_ixffb7p wrote

It was done by the installers from the store I bought the dryer from when they installed the dryer at my previous house but beyond that I have no idea why they did that.