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t1_ixu5anu wrote

You could attach 3/4" plywood horizontally to the studs, then mount the bracket to the plywood. Further, if at least one of the studs works, plan the plywood mount where both the plywood mounting screws, and the bracket screws all go in one stud.


t1_ixu9ed4 wrote

OP I've literally done this and it works very well, super solid and not noticeable. You could even paint it if the raw wood look bothers you but no one will see it.


t1_ixu7zee wrote

This is the way. 3/4" ply is not going to make your TV land that much further out from the wall and will be near impossible to see behind a TV that wide. Looks like the mount spans 4 studs, I would cut a piece of ply the width of the mount and about 2x as high and screw it into multiple studs with 2½" screws. then attach the mount to the ply


t1_ixuy61s wrote

Helped a buddy set up an 82" TV. Used a 2x12" connected to 3 studs, then mounted the wall mount to that. Good thing, too, as there's barely enough room to reach the USB ports with that extra gap the 2x12" provides.

Why Samsung insists on locating the connections in the middle of TVs that large, I cannot say.


t1_ixuzg9l wrote

One step further cut out the drywall and replace with 3/4" ply . Can also add some blocking at that point too.


t1_ixv5qyn wrote

That will ruin the fire rating of your wall. Might as well just install blocking and then put drywall back over


t1_ixuzsav wrote

Ive used a 2x8 (only thing I had on hand) across 3 studs to mount a TV on one of those mounts that swing, pivot etc. That mount can hold at least 2 of me no problem


t1_ixv90dg wrote

That’s great advice, that’s the way I’ve been mounting flat panels for years.


t1_ixw96bt wrote

This is the best answer. Also a great way to hang heavy duty shelves in the garage without spending all day looking for studs.


t1_ixv1j95 wrote

I've done this twice. Painted the plywood with leftover paint but it was unnecessary.


t1_ixx8dzc wrote

This the way. If you want to get real deep into it, you can break out the drywall between the studs and add internal bracing that you can directly affix the the mounting hardware to once the drywall is back in place. I would just run a stringer that connects the studs, paint it to blend with the wall color and then mount away.


t1_ixxe1f3 wrote

I did something similar but used scrap piece of 1x12 from Home Depot. Used 6 1/2"x3" lag bolts with washers to attach to 3 studs. I weigh almost 300 lbs and was able to hang in it with out budging.

That was 8 or 9byears ago and the TV hasn't pulled away one bit.