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kuncol02 t1_ixd3cqb wrote

No. That is what you want to use and only that. They are so much better than normal plastic wall anchors that it's not even competition.

Maybe not in drywall. I feel like there you would be better with more specialized stuff.


DogRiverRoad t1_ixd5rlu wrote

Its a compressive hollow wall anchor. There is nothing exactly special about it. There are many wall anchors with similar or superior performance. I agree that there are wall anchors that are much worse, but that does not mean the a duopower anchor is the only acceptable one to use.


bobbertmiller t1_ixdhtp7 wrote

It's really a multi purpose anchor. It'll expand differently, depending on the cavities. It can either just spread in a solid wall or it can bunch up in a cavity.