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MortalGlitter t1_ixjapdh wrote

I'm not an audiophile so be aware I'm coming at this from a "what would I do here" angle.

If you have a grill pattern to work with, I would use a decorative metal grill like this stuff and craft custom grills. Make enough to cover all of them and it will probably look much better than the standard black fabric typically used. They're rattle can paintable as well if you like the pattern but not the finish.

I've used this stuff to make custom HVAC air return covers and it looks far better than the standard sized grills.


surfrock66 OP t1_ixjbiuj wrote

The main trick is that it's a plastic speaker in the old grills inserted into a rectangular slut that goes around. I am thinking to pull this off I would have to cut a rectangle and then bend the edges so it fits in the frame which is where I'm a little worried it's going to fall apart