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t1_j1xpjum wrote

A+ work, that looks amazing!

Did you save the original headliner? If your next vehicle is slightly smaller you might have enough length left to reuse the fiber optics


OP t1_j1xr3kb wrote

Thanks! I did save the original headliner if I ever want to go back to it. While I'm never getting rid of this vehicle, in theory I could swap out the fiber optics to another headliner.


t1_j1xlivk wrote

Strands epoxied in place at the holes on top of the headliner then trimmed off underneath? Never mind missed that you explained it already.


OP t1_j1xlsa9 wrote

I used hot glue instead of epoxy, but yes.


t1_j1y0jij wrote

Aren't you worried about that melting on a hot day? I grew up in Las Vegas where a bic pen left in your car in the summer will turn into a wet noodle.


OP t1_j1y1wx0 wrote

It is a concern, but only time will tell. I live in GA, and the car is black so that's not a good combo. It's never been unbearably hot inside even after being in the sun all day though.


t1_j1y7ofl wrote

Depends which hot glue is used. Durotak is commonly used in automotive. If that fails then polyurethane version will last forever. Nice work!


t1_j1yml76 wrote


TIL that this isn't a region on the east coast of Kalimdor.


t1_j1xt5xc wrote

What vehicle is this? I have an '86 suburban that I want to replace the headliner on because the cardboard is sagging. They make a pvc replacement headliner that I would by and recover in the original fabric with 3 mm foam and was just wondering if the fiber optics would shine through the fabric so I could kind of keep it hidden until turned on.


OP t1_j1xtjo8 wrote

2004 Xterra. If you got a thin, cheap fabric the lights should not have any problem shining through. They are surprisingly bright.


t1_j1xx7yx wrote

What color Xterra 👀


OP t1_j1y1yqe wrote



t1_j1zoiyd wrote

Nice, I bet this looks sick. I was asking because I wanted a yellow Xterra for years and genuinely cried when they stopped making them. Maybe someday I’ll buy a used one, but definitely can’t afford two cars right now.


t1_j1y0fv8 wrote

I flew in a Emirates 777 I think it was a few years ago which had a beautiful starry ceiling. I've often thought about doing something similar. Your work certainly looks amazing and something you can't really take shortcuts on to get a good effect. (I did find a laser version but it bounces around and doesn't cover the whole ceiling).


OP t1_j1y4c3f wrote

Thank you. If I'm being perfectly honest, this still needs more work. Some strands need fine trimming and some bits of fabric are hanging down from the headliner, giving it a very rough look in the daylight. Maybe someday I'll make it perfect, but for now I'm pretty happy.


t1_j1xy6zw wrote

This is amazing! You should cross post it to r/urbancarliving


t1_j1xymjd wrote

I want to do this in a 2008 Cadillac STS with 113k miles on it.


t1_j1xz5bm wrote

Those are cool. The pics look great.

Those are neat since the first time I saw them on a rolls royce, too. On snapchat.


t1_j1xt8ns wrote

Looks amazing, I'm probably gonna get this installed on my car either next year or the year after when I have some cash to spare after I do some other mods first. Kudos for doing this all on your own man.


t1_j1y0j4h wrote

I don't know what a headliner is, and for some reason none of your pics are showing up for me, so I still don't. I don't know if the problem is on my end or yours.


OP t1_j1y22ax wrote

I think it's yours, everyone else can see them just fine. The headliner is the fabric ceiling in your car.


t1_j1y2c9c wrote

A headliner is the fabric in the interior or your vehicle on your roof. Googling "starlight headliner" I'd imagine would bear some comprehensive results


t1_j211ftj wrote

Not that interested.


t1_j21es8y wrote

You seem arrogant af so I'm not surprised


t1_j21norm wrote

Because I tried to be sociable on social media, and got shamed for not looking something up, instead? I think you're really reaching to be offended here. But ok, play the victim.


t1_j21z5wk wrote

I'm sorry you feel like you were shamed. It was merely a suggestion. What I find surprising though is that instead of taking a minute to Google "starlight headliner" and gain some insight on the topic, you went out of your way to comment "the post isn't working" as if you deserve to be spoonfed everything. On top of that you've been using reddit since 2012 so why blatantly play stupid?


t1_j21zmqi wrote

I didn't say the post wasn't working. I merely tried to make conversation, and you decided to play victim and lash out.


t1_j1yh99j wrote

Dang. $500 and all your labor! Rolls Royce charges $2000 for this option according to Google which sounds...shockingly reasonable.


OP t1_j1yhpv8 wrote

Wow, for Rolls-Royce $2k is cheap, especially if the description is accurate.

> First, the leather is perforated with 800 to 1,600 holes, each carefully counted. Fibre optic lights are set into these holes. The craftsperson then ensures that the height of the fibres is correct on the concealed side, and that they’re set perfectly on the visible leather surface, ready to shine.

I put in no where near that effort, I just set 'em and forget em' and used a pair of nail clippers to get them aligned with the headliner.


t1_j1xh1h7 wrote

I have an all glass roof :/
