I’m trying to figure out how to fix or address a lighting setup on my mother’s house.
The original configuration had a light with a motion sensor at the head of the path to her front gate. The motion sensor would detect motion in the driveway and light up the light for the head of the pathway/driveway, path lights along the path to the front gate, and a light by the gate. The fixture for the motion sensor and light at the head of the pathway is a 3-wire setup with red, white, black, and ground.
The original light/sensor failed so my brother replaced it but the light/sensor he bought is a 2-wire (white/black/ground) so he capped off the red wire on the fixture. Doing this disabled the pathway lights and the light by the gate.
I think in theory everything would be back to the original configuration if I bought a 3-wire motion sensor and light to replace the one my brother installed and just connected red-to-red, white-to-white, black-to-black BUT (there’s always a but) my mother would actually like the lights to come on when someone is departing the gate and headed back to the driveway.
So my questions are:
- is there a way to re-enable the pathway and gate lights without having to completely replace the 2-wire motion sensor?
- even if I had to replace the 2-wire motion sensor with a 3-wire to re-enable the pathway lights, could I put a motion sensor light where the current gate light is that could light up the gate and pathway for traffic in either direction? The fixture for the gate light is a 2-wire setup so I could conceivably use the existing 2-wire motion sensor at the gate and just buy a new 3-wire for the driveway but I don’t know if the driveway motion sensor would prevent the gate motion sensor from working.
I don’t have circuit diagrams for the house and I’m obviously not an electrician but the original fixtures were installed by real electricians when the house was rebuilt 25 years ago.
EDIT: Diagram of the physical layout and current wiring of the motion sensor and fixture on the house below. The wiring from the house is red/white/black with the red wire capped off since the motion sensor and light only took white/black. The green triangle show the direction the motion sensor is looking at. My mother would like another motion sensor at the gate light that can see when someone comes out of the gate to head to the driveway.
Yummy-Beetle-Juice t1_j27hqwd wrote
It is really difficult to determine what is going on without using a voltage meter or photos. You really need to do further investigation before connecting any wires.
You need a multimeter before proceeding! You can get an inexpensive meter for less then $20.00.
Check for power between the black and white (should be 110 volts).
Check for power between red and white (no power or 110 volts??) If there is no power, there is a good chance that the wire is charged by the activation of the sensor. If the red is 110 volts then further investigation will need to be done. You will need to find out where the wire originated.
Check for power between the black and red. If it is 220 volts, then there is a separate breaker for the red wire. Just CAP the red wire until you are able to determine what it is for. I highly doubt it will be on a separate circuit (220 volts) for exterior lighting. The wattage is low for lighting. There could also be 110 volts or no voltage between red and black. 110 volts would indicate that a light is already connected to the red wire. No voltage would indicate that both red and black have power and are on the same busbar on the electrical panel OR the red wire is disconnected. If there is no voltage between red and black, check again between red and white. If there is 110 volts, then red is on the same busbar as black. They most likely would be on the same circuit.
Open up the other lights to determine if the red wire connects to that box. Check for power in the other boxes.
You should educate yourself on basic wiring by watching some YouTube videos. Find some videos on troubleshooting wiring.
This is what I suspect: Black wire (line)- hot 110 volts. White wire - common. If there is no power between the red and the white, then there is a good chance that when motion activates the sensor that charges the red wire (load). That powers the other lights.
Provided the red is the load: To install another sensor further on the branch circuit, connect the red to the black together. In this situation, if you connect red and black together, you should have constant power for the other lights. Then you can install motion sensors in the other locations.