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rdmille t1_j0xul41 wrote

To do it all the way across, you do it in one pass, and the metal gets really hot and warps as you weld (unless you are very good at welding). The best way around it is to do a short weld, move to a different area far away, do a short weld, move, do a short weld...


Shovelfuckurforehead t1_j0xxvfh wrote

I mean, the best way around it is to just Tig weld it and you can move around from spot to spot and nothing gets to hot. If you did want to weld it all in one go, just do your proper tack welds and then clamp everything down so it doesn't move. U/rewardsthroway


[deleted] t1_j0xv5xe wrote



richriggins OP t1_j0xwjz6 wrote

Well, the reason they gave isn't the reason I had. Warping wasn't a concern as these are big pieces of 1/8" steel. Time and effort were the bigger concerns.


[deleted] t1_j0xyhpd wrote



N_Inquisitive t1_j0ysti1 wrote

They weren't responding to you at all there. You're also not owed an answer.

Try not being rude, and try looking things up. You would do well to save your comments and think before you post.