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SANPres09 t1_j5li1o9 wrote

Nice job! Did you pour any additional concrete or is the insulation and then leveling concrete on top of that? If the dirt move, would that crack your floor?


Gryllan OP t1_j5n947o wrote

We packed the ground - insulaton - plastic - boards - floor heating - leveling concrete. The leveling concrete slab flows down into cracks and edges and fills most up. Yeah if a underground mega earthworm comes im in trouble x)


SANPres09 t1_j5o9cdu wrote

Haha, sounds good. Just making sure I understand the process. Great work!


Gryllan OP t1_j5o9h9t wrote

House built in 1944 and 0 cracks anywhere so i think im good :) thanks alot!