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pepapi t1_j5m1607 wrote

The Jackoboards are waterproof only after the joints have been tended to, unfortunately.

The JACKOBOARD® Plano Construction boards provide a completely waterproof substrate for tiling that will not allow moisture to penetrate into the fabric of the building. Tiling can begin as soon as the joints between boards are sealed with waterproof tape and cement-based single part flexible tile adhesive.


Gryllan OP t1_j5navs4 wrote

I do not care about waterproofing a basement with concrete walls that needs to breath, both in and out. Otherwise you get a mold problem.


pepapi t1_j5nb6h2 wrote

Why use a waterproof substrate if you don't want to actually waterproof it?


Gryllan OP t1_j5nbtf8 wrote

To be able to put floor heating on it, + it has an insulation property. You cant put floor heating on styrofoam, so you need a layer of something else. And these boards are stuff and sturdy and are approved for floor heating, theyre perfect