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SolidPoint t1_j690rrk wrote

Not the person you’re responding to- but I just poured (and messed up, and re-poured on top) a 10x12 room with self-leveling “underlayment” concrete before adding LVP.

Tons of videos online- this one is a good example of a team of professionals making it seem super easy.

Your first attempt will probably not go so smooth- strong recommend some practice on a small area.

It is not intended as the “wear” surface- not the same durability as “regular” concrete; it’s designed to self level AND set quick- can’t also be crazy strong.

Happy to answer any questions


babypocketsquid OP t1_j691cej wrote

Yeah, that's what I was thinking, it's not intended but is the tradeoff small cracks down the line? Because, honestly, small cracks would be an upgrade relative to the large apparent holes we have showcasing themselves.

The holes have since dried but we have ~8 of these through the main living area. They dried a shade lighter than the rest of the slab.


tdipi t1_j69qpwa wrote

Personally, I have never tried to stain concrete, it's just not a look that I like. If I was in your situation, I would level and go with an LVP floor.

Looking at your photos, one would assume the floor is level. However before applying floor leveler, I would verify that with a long level just to make sure


babypocketsquid OP t1_j69r8rl wrote

I 100% agree, I would prefer to go with LVP but as a cheaper immediate fix, we're going with a stained look.