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JonJackjon t1_j671zet wrote

If its an interior door I would cut a piece of wood in the 35 mm range and thinner than the door. Then nail or glue it to the bottom of the door. Being thinner the obvious seam will not be too annoying. If you need even less gap I would do the same then add a brush type door sweep.


spicy_falcon OP t1_j6731hl wrote

So far is the best option I have thought of as well. Tho making it thiner is a good tip. Thanks 4 that


f_crick t1_j670dfb wrote

This is the exterior door, I hope? You could remove the door and add more material to the bottom (wood). You could switch out the door with a larger one. You could add some trim below the door, but then that’ll be where people walk, and 20mm is probably too much unless you change the floor heights or add a ramp.

Any other pertinent details?


spicy_falcon OP t1_j672vkw wrote

▪︎ a internal door ▪︎ swings in over carpet


R3DN3CK_T3CK t1_j67n4qx wrote

Interior doors have gaps at the bottom to allow air to circulate back to central furnace/AC. If there isn't a return air grill you will reduce flow into the room by closing the gap.


chopsuwe t1_j67nw6x wrote

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