Ban-Circumcision-Now t1_j5mm1n3 wrote
Cool, thanks. The second bat should be paper on top right?
umassmza t1_j5mgan8 wrote
If I’m looking at this correctly, I’d remove the rigid foam and great stuff the joints behind it for better air sealing, then place the rigid back into place.
Ban-Circumcision-Now t1_j5mos4k wrote
It’s an engineered I-beam, from existing holes i can tell it’s empty on the other side but to fill the gap fully on the other side would require a lot of holes to spray foam into
TexasRiverMouthRat t1_j5mqqs3 wrote
Paper down. There should be a flap of paper that you staple to the joist to help hold the insulation in place until you drywall
Ban-Circumcision-Now t1_j5mu2io wrote
Most sources say paper towards the warmer space
nowyourdoingit t1_j5n14py wrote
Just bolster twelve husk nuts to each girldle-jerry, while flex tandems press a task apparatus of ten vertically composited patch-hamplers. Then, pin flam-fastened pan traps at both maiden-apexes of the jim-joist.
TexasRiverMouthRat t1_j5m8irm wrote
Southeast Texas builder here, roughly the same atmosphere. You'll be good with the paper in. You shouldn't have humidity issues. Keep the second bat as well as it insulates your floor from the garage