
nowyourdoingit t1_jdhd5g6 wrote

The first part. That's what it is. That's all it is. But that's also all we need it to be. LLMs are just token weighting machine run on silicon. They can still output poetry. Our self-reflexive cognition is meaningfuly different but still the same kind of thing, inputs and calculation cascades which is how we decide to do A or B, which is free will.

You open an old school thermostat and you find a coil of metal that expands and contracts depending on the temp ans you say "wait, it's not really telling the temparature, it's just a piece of non-thinking non-calculating metal". But it is telling the temparature in the way we mean a thermostat tells the temparature, which is the only meaningful and important way we mean thermostats tell the temparature. You being sad their isn't a fairy in the box doesn't lessen what the metal coil is doing.


nowyourdoingit t1_jc5g459 wrote

A scandal I haven't heard about yet, but it looks like one of the Board of Directors of the bank was the former Under Secretary *of Domestic Finance, in charge of the Financial Stability Oversight Council

I mean, fuck, this woman was in charge of keeping all US financial markets stable and was completely asleep watching just the one bank she was on the board of? Wild

Feels like more of a story.


nowyourdoingit t1_iyjwlwc wrote

Yes, it is. Singapore has no natural resources, no long term benefit for trade once the Kra Canal is completed, no great tourism appeal. It's a happenstance of history that the Brits utilized Singapore as their main trading port with SEA and China and that Malaysia kicked them out allowing them to establish a corporate tax haven.

Also, only ~10% of Singapore GDP is derived from shipping.

Intl tax law is changing rapidly and the wild west situation that currently exist enabling places like Singapore and Dubai to flourish won't last long and then they'll be back to being backwaters. Every company with a headquarters building in Singapore is there as a tax dodge.


nowyourdoingit t1_iyia4o1 wrote

I wouldn't call HDBs better. They live in them because the BTOs are provided at below market rate. Kind of a Jevon's Paradox situation. Clear cutting rain forest to build massive concrete block housing using Bangladeshi slave labour and PRC companies laundering funds out of China isn't exactly a sustainable model. Did you live in an HDB? I'd take a prewar walkup in a vibrant local community any day over that again.


nowyourdoingit t1_ivzg24s wrote

His non answer is an answer. Whatever the founders' intentions, the outside capital wants a return which means they're either going to become predatory or they'll sell their platform and users to someone who is.