Submitted by rouge8 t3_10fqpdl in DIY

I replaced a light switch with a RunLessWire Click, following its instructions, twisted the two wires that were attached to the switch into the provided wire nut, and left the ground wire loose. This worked fine for that switch; the light fixture stays powered on and my Hue bulbs work in it. However, one outlet in an adjacent room stopped working after I did this. How do I fix it?



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L0stn0directi0n t1_j4yfmkg wrote

Any chance when you screwed on the wire nut the copper broke on one of the wires? Very common, unscrew the wire nuts, pull the wires apart and check.

If that's not it, did you happen to take a picture of how it was wired before you started...


L0stn0directi0n t1_j4zmpwi wrote

The other wire nut with all the black wires from moving it around mdid one of those break....


Few_Ad_5677 t1_j5012me wrote

Check gfcis in all outlets on that breaker, and reset them


rouge8 OP t1_j50g74e wrote

I don’t think there are any on that breaker — it’s just the living room and dining corner. Kitchen is on another breaker.


Face999 t1_j50qxf6 wrote

Just frickin' meter it. One of those goes to that outlet.

Pull the outlet and look and see if that red wire is there.

Use a meter and check continuity.

This is basic,basic electric 101 - and you are over your head.

If any of this means nothing - stay the fuck out of your electric and call someone.


Nuker-79 t1_j519ipw wrote

This guys an electrician and sick of dealing with peoples mistakes after attempting DIY.


Face999 t1_j51ab1u wrote

Just a DIY'er, but I've had some good training and experience - Not U-Tube U.


Nuker-79 t1_j51akql wrote

I been working with electrics/electronics for 2 and a half decades, I will try most things around the home due to the experience. However if in any doubt, I do my research or call in a pro.


Randya241 t1_j5108d1 wrote

It may be a defective part out of the box. I still would check the wires with a multi and then check the part


rouge8 OP t1_j52kb7r wrote

UPDATE: I had an electrician come by and now he’s confused too. He confirmed the outlet wasn’t working, opened it up to take a look at the wiring, and then it started working again. ¯_(ツ)_/¯