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t1_j6dne04 wrote

Why not just put them out front with “free” so that someone who needs bricks for a project can take them for you and all you have to do is leave them there?

A few reasons not to bury construction:

-it leaks into your ground water

-if you ever want to use that area of the yard for something else then you have to dig it up

-planting a garden or getting things to grow in that area will be difficult, including anything that roots.

-you could use that rubble to build something wildlife and nature will love

-future you won’t remember exactly where you buried it to dig it all up

-even if you don’t dig it up a future homeowner will have a massive pain of a project


OP t1_j6dp278 wrote

That’s all good info thank you. In all honestly, most of it will be the old mortar which is basically sand, and the old bricks I will try and use for actual building projects.


t1_j6dw8ks wrote

If it’s just mortar, put it in a bag and throw it away. You are making more work for yourself by digging and burying.


OP t1_j6dznnf wrote

It’s quite expensive to get rid of rubble, hence the whole reason for the post


t1_j6ev2vl wrote

How much are you getting rid of? Can't you just take it to the local tip?

Also if you put an advert on Facebook or similar for free hardcore someone will take it.


OP t1_j6ewll3 wrote

It’s £3 per rubble bag, and the nearest tip I can use is over 30 mins drive away. Will be a lot of rubble over the course of the job, enough to fill a large skip probably, but will be over the next couple of years, so actually getting a skip is no good. Hoping to get rid of bits of rubble as and when I can


t1_j6miu5g wrote

If it’s per bag, fill large bags.

I drive 30 minutes to dispose of rubble because it’s better than burying it.

Saving a bag in the corner of your lawn for when you do rubble will probably be unoticeable, but digging up your yard or a permanent hole to bury rubble will fuck up future plans. Don’t let lazy dictate your actions.